Monday, May 21, 2012

Our lives

Being married is such a wonderful gift. Having a husband like Jon, is my gift from God. Everyone has issues come up in their lives that makes life difficult. If one is lucky, you have someone by your side that makes those things a bit easier to deal with.

Jon is that someone for me. I don't have any idea how I would face my life without his love next to me. I have days with my MS that I can't move much at all. Days where I feel like nothing is going my way. Jon is always right there with me, helping me in any way that I need help. Sometimes that gets annoying, but for the most part; I am blessed and know it.

There are days when I can't get out of bed. It's hard but unfortunately it is part of my life living with MS. Jon is always there to help me from room to room. I don't know how he manages to make me feel better on those days, but he always does.

Without him, I would have given up already. Where would I be without his help and his support? I don't know, but I can tell you it wouldn't be in a very good place. I am so blessed, our daughters are blessed to have a dad in their lives that love them the way Jon does.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Life is good

Things have been so hectic that I haven't had much time to post here.

After the wedding on March 12th, we moved five days later. Once we made it down to Texas, we set out to find a house. We had planned on living in El Paso Texas. Well things turn out the way they are supposed to. We ended up finding a house in New Mexico, just one and a half blocks from El Paso city limits.

The city we live in is very small. But we are like five minutes away from all kinds of shopping! We both work in El Paso, so we are always there. We adore the beautiful mountains that are all around this area. Jon knew how much I wanted to be able to go to the top of the highest mountain around. We had no idea how to get up there. Jon is persistent though, he kept looking until he found the way.

The view from the top of that mountain is so breathtaking! The girls and I loved every second on that mountaintop.

So things are still trying to be adjusted. When two people combine their lives, it can be difficult to adjust to one another. The adjustment period is going along, and we are starting to make things work out. I'm so happy that Jon and I met and fell in love. I am so in love with this man, I can't imagine what life would be like at this point without having him right beside me.

I'm slowly getting used to being married and not having to do everything for the girls alone anymore. Jon has been amazing with them, it has been awesome seeing them all opening up to each other.


 Our lives are only just beginning together. We have so much to look forward to.  I love you with every breath I take. There will be days when all we want to do is strangle each other. As we move forward, those days will become less. I am looking forward to our future together. I look forward to each new day and the happiness that will bring us.

I feel like I don't tell you often enough how proud of you I really am. You have not only shown me what an amazing man you are, but you have shown me the man you want to be.  You are an inspiration in many ways. I strive to be a better wife because you give me that inspiration.

I love you baby...