Sunday, July 24, 2011

Love In the Last Place Expected

July 4th was just another day of mom and daughters time. We woke up and decided to spend the day at the local park. After getting the cooler filled up for the days activities we headed out. Once we arrived at the park we played four square for a while. While playing ball, we saw a few people getting ready to open the concession stands for the nights firework display.

We have this guy in town that walks all over town collecting aluminum cans. His name is Can-Man, also known as Jack. He is a really nice guy, although it is hard to understand what he says most of the time. Anyway Can-man, myself and my girls were sitting talking. It must have been a couple of hours just sitting there talking, when this nice guy came over and began talking to Can-Man.

Not looking for love

Sometimes when we least expect to find love, it appears out of nowhere. It is how we choose to handle the situation that determines if we find love. Do you open your mind to new possibilities or has your past drawn a heavy curtain around your heart?

Our lives can be lead down a rocky road or we can choose to let go of the past and see the world with new vision. If we are to have a happy and healthy life, we must choose to let go of hurt and anger. No one other than ourselves can live our lives for us. We must accept that love can be found when we least expect it.